Your Brain on Beer vs. Coffee

Your Brain on Beer vs. Coffee

We love beer.  But, as teachers, there’s really only one drink we’re addicted to, and that’s coffee.  The people over at  and have put together an infographic that combines both of our favorite beverages into one informative chart.

beer vs coffee

I love the way they phrase it; beer is good for “creativity” and coffee for “execution of ideas”.  I can’t tell you how many times someone has been drinking with friends and said, “You know what would be a great idea?”  Yet those ideas almost never come to fruition.  On the other hand, I’m drinking coffee as we speak, so maybe there’s something to their caffeinated claims.

The key, though, as they point out, is moderation.  So, why don’t you test this out — have a beer or two, come up with an idea, then pop on the percolator and use coffee as a catalyst for getting that idea done!

– Cheers!

Written By

Brew Review Crew

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